Anthropologists tell us that the first artifacts that conclusively tell us that the creator or creators were “like us” were the cave paintings, those paintings described in this article for example:
It seems unlikely that everyone at the time these cave paintings were created would have seen their value. I don’t recall any anthropologists commenting on the cave-painter’s contemporaries, but I’m assuming there were such people, people who did not have the ability to think abstractly, to substitute one thing for another. I wonder what they thought when they looked at him (or her) painting. Some perhaps were impressed. Some perhaps were not.
At what point and why did we become us? Some anthropologists are now theorizing that we owe our ability to speak to the Neanderthal – some genetic material we picked up during some interbreeding – that enhanced our ability to create complex sounds – words which are for the most part abstract (sounds standing for things), but beyond that sentences.
Anthropologists have no way of knowing when our ancestors began talking to each other in sentences, or even when they developed a fondness for poetry. But in pre-literate cultures we know that they told stories and sang songs around campfires to rehearse their histories, great battles, famous ancestors, etc.
The earliest poems that have come down to us are closer to what we imagine to be those camp-fire stories. They were popular narratives, usually involving rhyme, because rhyme is a memory enhancer as is song. .
A modern-day detractor might at this point say that if poets still did that, did what they did around campfires, told stories that had “clear . . . arguments . . . open to standard assessments of logical validity and soundness” then they would have no objection to poetry.
There is no question about modern poetry being more abstract than early poetic forms. And yet, when our first ancestor capable of abstract thought first painted in his caves, there should be little doubt that there would have been nay-sayers who would have objected that these paintings were “neither clear nor open to standard assessments of logical validity and soundness” – or whatever equivalent statements these naysayers were capable making back then.
In regard to modern poetry, most critics are people who cannot themselves write, and one of them, Trilling perhaps, wrote that critics often forget that the poem precedes the criticism. The critic does not get to say, “this is what a poem ought to do, say, or be.” The poem, like a painting, or a piece of music is an abstract creation. To say that any abstract creation is subject to a standard assessment would be like those who stood in the cave watching the first person who was “like us” painting and though they didn’t understand what he was doing, felt free to criticize him anyway.
Friday, June 15, 2018
Monday, June 11, 2018
Bird Songs
The lantern burned down
Through the night but was still
Half lit in the morning. We yawned
Together, unzipped our tent
And stepped out before birds
Could sing or a breeze could
Flutter any tree leaves.
It would be like that for
Months on end, years even.
She could live in the moment
More than I who looked about,
While she was smiling,
For any threat coming up
The mountain or down.
An evil I didn’t know and
Couldn’t see swept by
And took her away while I
Sat Listening to her breathing,
A musical sound that
A bird might make
With enough warning.
They’re angry. So am I.
Why don’t they add that
As well? I climbed higher
Than any they’d seen,
Solo too – no one holding
My ropes – just me finding
The random crevice,
The little indentation
For fingers and thumb.
“But you’ve never joined!”
They’d said. “It doesn’t
Matter what you do.
And you don’t exist unless
We say so. Forget
Your climbing gear!” I
Kept to myself from then on,
Wrote my poems in places
They’d never find, but
The gods were not
Amused. One fall
Was all they’d give me.
Book Business
I’ve run, dashing along
The sand, despite the
Wind’s hindrance. I’ve
Struggled, collapsing,
With mind buzzing
Feeling the end near
Even when young.
And the books: I tried
To read them all,
Running thoughts in
My head along the sand
And at home struggling
Through one after
The other. I dreamt
Of the World’s end
And that learning
Would be lost unless
I saved it. I watch
Ben sleeping,
Legs kicking. Who
Is it watches me?
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