Saturday, May 23, 2020
They’re stretched alongside
The roads from here to back
East, tolling the bells that
Ring in my ears -- stopping
To stare now and again
Waiting for their coming,
Sure as I’m not what
They say I am, “look at this,”
I say, flexing my arm. “Look
At this,” they say holding
My date of birth. Gesturing
To the shotgun next to
The stairs, I send them off
To Jessica’s growls, to Ben
And Duffy watching. Not
Long after the sun sinks,
A neighbor sings an off-key
Serenade. Neighboring dogs
Bark and the ringing is surely
Softer than it was before.
The Singer
The singer on the hill
Again is singing, sending
Her bird-like trills through
The horizon, her song, the
little truths – he with
An ear will hear
And bask in their
Dazzling explications --
Walking, speaking softly
Muttering about their
Delineations – what we once
Knew. I drew near and
Listened and heard her
Singing as a young girl --
A voice beyond her years,
Our eyes rolled back
Till I saw the words
Deep down, first hearing
Her sing so long ago
My mind struggles
To restore its beauty.
The Excursion
“Have you had anything to drink, sir?”
“I don’t drink at all, officer.”
“Your driving seems somewhat
Askew, sir. Why would that be?”
“Oh that’s because of a broken
Knee-cap, and my ankle’s a bit
Stiff.” “But not you” he asked?
“Not me.” “Step out of your car
If you please.” “In that case I’ll
Need my cane.” “Not like any
Cane I’ve seen.” He took it in
Hand. “Walking stick, then, though
I don’t do much of that. Old
People break, you’ve probably heard.”
“I have heard that, sir. My apologies.
Why are you out here so late?”
“Wanted a burger as a midnight snack,
Haven’t had one since my wife died –
Leg’s a bit sore still. I’ll need my stick.”
“Yes sir,” he said. “Best go back home.
You’ve been wobbling a bit excessively.”
He saluted smartly, turning away.
I stood there in gathering fog,
Unclear how I’d lasted this long.
Looking back with the eyes
Of a child, seemingly from a
Great height – my heart beating
As steadily for all I knew. I lay
My stick in back and resumed
My journey, using fog lights,
Queuing up with the others,
Waiting, getting my order and
Driving on, steadier now than
Before. One gets used to being
Whatever comes next.
The Break
You asked the significance –
Insignificant largely in
Light of staggering events
Round about. I stagger
Now a bit in the west,
But no one will see
Or see quite as I,
Breaking is a thing many
Do, creating a
Before and after
Before we’re ready;
So I’ll see if I can
Change as need be
My acquiescence.
It will be after all no
Hardship keeping
Me here even more
Than I’ve been, amidst
Pictures from the hikes.
I’ll reside now a bit more
In the thoughts I think.
Not Being Bloom
“Without memory one cannot think,”
He said, employing his photographic
Mind as he progressed. Perhaps
Though others remember
Differently and are led to
Conclusions at variance.
As old as Bloom but not
Remembering clearly
My sixty years ago my
Thoughts are shallow, floating
In flotsam nearer shore,
Not experiencing Juno’s
Curse and needing to sail
Beleaguered seas with varying
Crews. I am instead
Being driven to confess
Whatever she puts
In my mind, careful
That whatever I say doesn’t
Deviate from her direction.
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