Monday, March 19, 2018
Death March
“I’ll not give them the satisfaction,” I thought
In a quavering voice – so many had fallen --
I could hear the shots from where they did –
Feeling no fear of their consequence yet
Needing to be the good Marine – an example
To the long row ahead, seeing their necks
Craning to look back at me to see if I
Still stood, thinking if I did at my age
They too being younger might as well –
Those who fell, we knew, hadn’t the
Strength or resolve – fluttering
Hands, thoughts, vacant looks when
They thought no one was looking –
Someone like me though, used to
Long treks would put one foot in
Front of the rest – losing track perhaps
Of the steps: where they leave off and
Another’s began – where I began if
Memory hasn’t fatally fallen behind.
One of them opted out after breaking
Both hands in fights saying if one
Unflinchingly endures the pain, these
Miles upon menacing miles are mere
Grunt work – whereas the enduring of
Pain is the ultimate demonstration.
They watched our steps for the ones
Who stumbled, pulled them out and
Shot them in the head – where is the
Sacrifice in that? Where the bravery
In a false step? The implications, the
Conclusions contingent upon whatever
Flew off with our steps, step after
Step – there were once paved roads, but
We were now on a rugged Jeep trail --
Even at night, marching route-step,
Staggering at thoughts of dropping
Out, perhaps rolling down a slope
When attention flagged, but best
That I keep on. The stars might
Find me out. I heard a shot far
Back where the strength to keep
On for those watching came from.
The Dance
Never touching, they danced
In an isolation gleaned
From others they had seen --
Arms and legs
Flailing, flaring into an
effervescent devotion.
Dranni with the flaxen
Hair sits on her porch
Braiding, brooding all
She has seen and felt
From the night before
Which weighs her down.
Should she be ashamed?
Why should anyone judge?
And she thought that no
One would, or if they did
It would be in a language no
One would understand. I
Was in the woods back then,
Covered in shadow, hiking
Rhythmically in my notion
Of how it came to be and
Would end, given its
Trajectory. Democracy had
Failed. Adams was right to
Fear the aristocracy which
When formalized became
A bureaucracy sponsored
By judges who used words
Only they could understand.
Ted Kaczynski thought he
Understood and wrote his
Letters which no one could
Dance to or feel his madness
Despite his careful phraseology.
They may be closing in for all I
Know – more come each week
Seeking a darkness of their own --
Tents pulled tight each night – Dogs
Heard to whimper, coyotes howl.
Eventually there is only the sound of
Heavy breathing and the smell of sweat.
The Thief
I saw him run across
My yard. I stepped out
As he struggled over my
Fence and paused at the top to
Give me an insolent smirk.
I followed him to the
Mall where he joined
Eight boys more and their
Leader who brashly
Watched – wary that I might
Be a challenge. “Good
Morning,” I said thrusting
Forth my hand. He smiled
Guilelessly. I went on to
The boy who smirked with
A start-something-and-you’ll
Regret-it smile. “Do you plan
To run through my yard again,”
I asked? “What if I do? You
Can’t stop me.” I grinned, “nothing
Back there I’ll miss if you want
It.” His brow creased. The
Smirk disappeared. “You called
Her beautiful, but she’s not.” He
Was puzzled – wanting an answer.
“Ah, but she was,” I entered onto
A more familiar path. What you saw
Through my window was her at seventy,
But look at me. I’m eighty three
And I remember all those years when
She turned heads. When men of all
Ages admired her. You are what, twelve?”
“Thirteen,” he lied. “You run in your little
Gang with your little friends never thinking
Until you look through someone’s window
That you’ll age – unless you are cut short
For your effrontery.” “You?” “No, not me.
“Are you a thief or a Peeping Tom?” “I’m
No Peeping Tom,” he growled. “I was
Just looking for something to take.” “Time
Will steal your years as it did hers. We liked
To hike through mountains on windy days.
Dust kicking up, watering our eyes. When we
Got to the top and stared back down it seemed
We would never die. I turned her gently
And looked in her beautiful eyes which
Twinkled as she looked back.” You’ve never
Known a look like that, and you never
Will, thieves are such short-lived
Creatures here . “I’m doing just
Fine,” he snapped. “So you say,
But there is no path up there
For you. You will never be as
Old as she nor see what age
Does to the face one day you might
Have shaved.” “You don’t know that,”
He said, wishing I would go away.
“Not many change – you in your
Small band steal small things
From houses and yards. You’ll be
In prison in six years and dead before
Your forty-five.” “Don’t talk like that! I’m
Sorry I saw the picture. Sorry she was
Old.” I smiled wryly, “seemed time
Someone told you what it's like if
You stay in school, learn what’s
Worthwhile and what is not.
You can’t see the mountains from
Here – too many years must pass.
You can’t imagine the beauty that
Will be there if you last. You’ll walk
With her on trails through rain and
Wind that creases the corners of her
Eyes. You’ll squint at what you see
If you can look back at the
Way you’ve come -- and if
No one steals her away.
My yard. I stepped out
As he struggled over my
Fence and paused at the top to
Give me an insolent smirk.
I followed him to the
Mall where he joined
Eight boys more and their
Leader who brashly
Watched – wary that I might
Be a challenge. “Good
Morning,” I said thrusting
Forth my hand. He smiled
Guilelessly. I went on to
The boy who smirked with
A start-something-and-you’ll
Regret-it smile. “Do you plan
To run through my yard again,”
I asked? “What if I do? You
Can’t stop me.” I grinned, “nothing
Back there I’ll miss if you want
It.” His brow creased. The
Smirk disappeared. “You called
Her beautiful, but she’s not.” He
Was puzzled – wanting an answer.
“Ah, but she was,” I entered onto
A more familiar path. What you saw
Through my window was her at seventy,
But look at me. I’m eighty three
And I remember all those years when
She turned heads. When men of all
Ages admired her. You are what, twelve?”
“Thirteen,” he lied. “You run in your little
Gang with your little friends never thinking
Until you look through someone’s window
That you’ll age – unless you are cut short
For your effrontery.” “You?” “No, not me.
“Are you a thief or a Peeping Tom?” “I’m
No Peeping Tom,” he growled. “I was
Just looking for something to take.” “Time
Will steal your years as it did hers. We liked
To hike through mountains on windy days.
Dust kicking up, watering our eyes. When we
Got to the top and stared back down it seemed
We would never die. I turned her gently
And looked in her beautiful eyes which
Twinkled as she looked back.” You’ve never
Known a look like that, and you never
Will, thieves are such short-lived
Creatures here . “I’m doing just
Fine,” he snapped. “So you say,
But there is no path up there
For you. You will never be as
Old as she nor see what age
Does to the face one day you might
Have shaved.” “You don’t know that,”
He said, wishing I would go away.
“Not many change – you in your
Small band steal small things
From houses and yards. You’ll be
In prison in six years and dead before
Your forty-five.” “Don’t talk like that! I’m
Sorry I saw the picture. Sorry she was
Old.” I smiled wryly, “seemed time
Someone told you what it's like if
You stay in school, learn what’s
Worthwhile and what is not.
You can’t see the mountains from
Here – too many years must pass.
You can’t imagine the beauty that
Will be there if you last. You’ll walk
With her on trails through rain and
Wind that creases the corners of her
Eyes. You’ll squint at what you see
If you can look back at the
Way you’ve come -- and if
No one steals her away.
Tuesday, March 13, 2018
I often wonder if I’m mad,
Or if now and then in the past
I was, for was I not love-struck
Such that living without her was
Something I couldn’t bear to do?
But three years later I am perhaps
Living still as though a will
Divorced itself from the downward
Thrust of death which of course
Isn’t the same as bearing to live --
Listing here as though a boat whose
Hull was breached and was left at
High tide far up the beach, far
From the sea it used to sail.
The last leaf
The last leaf leaned
Into the wind, clinging
To its branch – not for
Any imposing reason
I suppose – watching
The wind whip it this
Way and that
I sat with my back
Against it, drifting my
Thoughts whichever way
It blew. I felt something
And tried to recall but
As I did I saw the
Branch stripped bare.
Susan at her window
She stopped paying attention
To her responsibilities;
Her thoughts wandered,
Sitting by her window.
Her coffee grew cold
In the cup upon her desk.
Her hand absently brushed
The wrinkles in her neck
Which he’d never acknowledged
Nor perhaps even seen
Being unequal to seeing
Her as she was. What was
She, she often wondered while
Fleeing the days when her beauty
Drew men in a consequent flood?
She needed to find a place to settle
And grow old with just one
Of them, someone strong enough
To remain but mild to be with –
Someone she wouldn’t need
To run from. Her eyes caught
The change in light – the rain
Fell gently – drops slid down
The glass. She raised her cup
And with her lips noticed the
Coffee had cooled – leaning
Back then smiling she heard
Each drop calling the time.
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