Sunday, June 5, 2016

Jessica's third hike

This should take you right to the June 2016 gallery.  Only the first three photos for today were of Jessica because she didn't want to hike on leash.  She wanted to ride and rode in the camera bag about 90% of the hike.  I think what happened is that when I put her down at the beginning, Duffy and Ben bounded ahead feeling good.  Jessica tried to do that as well but was restrained by the leash and so pouted.  Probably just as well because the next photo after the three of Jessica shows Ben and Duffy having run ahead and looking with intensity at something.  This photo doesn't show the coyote that had been there but subsequent photos do.

The dogs didn't notice the coyote following behind us.  Come to think of it I've never seen any of my dogs check our back trail. I'm not positive this coyote was interested in us.  He may have followed us for a while because we were going the same way he was.  I noticed when we got up on the levee that the nursery supply people had their sprinklers on.  Coyotes cross the levee to get water from the nursery.  I've heard people say that they walk only on the levee to avoid coyotes, but coyotes walk on that levee too.  Fortunately for these people the local coyotes aren't interested in them, only the nursery water.

Not terribly good photos.  I've got my smallest camera set so I can do everything with one hand (the other being occupied with Jessica).  Thus, anything moving too fast on an early darkish morning will blur a bit.


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