”. . . Yevkurov, who has just been released from a Moscow hospital following a June 22 assassination attempt against him, made a number of comments which provide clues as to the approach he is likely to pursue now that he has returned to work (”
But far and away the most intriguing were his words about who was responsible for the attacks against him and the increasing violence in his republic and across the entire North Caucasus. He suggested that corrupt officials whom he had gone after were not responsible for the assassination attempt because they lacked the courage to take such steps. . .
Yevkurov responded that he is ‘far from the thought that the Arabs stand behind this business. There are other forces. More serious ones. The West is trying to destabilize the situation and not allow Russia’s rebirth to its former power.’
“Asked if he was referring to the United States, the Ingushetia president said: “The States, Great Britain, Israel. We understand whose interests … [ellipsis in the original].” But later in the interview, Yevkurov stressed that the West would not succeed either in weakening Russia or detaching the North Caucasus from it.
‘Despite such efforts, “even after 100 years and more,” the Ingushetia leader said, “the Caucasus will be Russian,” first using the word for “ethnic Russian” and then correcting himself by saying “It will never be anyone else’s. Only not [ethnic] Russian but [civic] Russian this time.”
“Indeed, he commented, “No one is saying that the local population does not support them. There are many accomplices.” But as the fighting continues and as the government succeeds in getting people jobs and filling the spiritual vacuum some young people in the region feel, things will change for the better, the Ingushetia leader said.
“According to Yevkurov, he and his staff have analyzed the situation and conclude that there will not be another Chechen war, despite the predictions of some, and that “the bandits” in the North Caucasus will finally understand as “the bandits in Western Ukraine” did in the 1950s that “fighting on is useless” and then turn on their “own” leaders.
“But the violence in Ingushetia in recent days suggests that day has not yet arrived and may not come any time soon either in Yevkurov’s republic or anywhere else across a region so unsettled that ever more voices are being raised in Moscow as to whether Russia does now or ever will again control it.”
Yevkurov sounds like one of the old Communists blaming the West as a knee-jerk response to any problem – part of the grand-conspiracy whereby the “Capitalists” are behind all ills. Gad. I hate reading stuff like this, but as I already read it, I will make a few comments.
I ask who in the West would benefit from a destabilized Russian Federation? The West wants all nations “stabilized,” that is, they want them drawn in to the functioning core of “market states.” The West sees destabilized states as a danger to the “functioning core.” It wants the very opposite of Yevkurov’s rant.
So not only have I not heard of any plan to destabilize the Russian Federation, I can think of no motive for doing so. But if there were a crazy person in the American government who was a die-hard cold warrior wanting to get even with the former Soviet Union, he wouldn’t be an accepted member in the Obama administration.
I would describe the UK as having similar motives to the US in this regard. As to Israel, gad! Can such a tiny nation have so long a reach? And what would be Israel’s motive? If it thinks of Russia today, surely it wants Russia to influence Iran away from nuclear ambitions. Surely a destabilized Russian Federation would inhibit rather than enhance the chance of that.
Perhaps Ingushetia has a very low level of understanding. Perhaps there are few educated people living there. Perhaps Yevkurov is speaking to them nonsense. Leave it to Pravda to take this nonsense up and publish it.
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