I just finished the Netflix-Icelandic TV series, Katla. Those who died on Katla as well as some who are still alive are being brought back to life or cloned by a meteor buried underneath the ice. Whether the rejuvenating substance came from an alien species who modified its world only to have it exploded for some reason and sent as meteors out into space -- or a natural substance isn't explained.
The photography is superb, the acting excellent,
and the writing very good. One is drawn into the predicaments
of the various characters and the various confrontations they
have with the previously dead or living clones. Some of the
resolutions are ugly but they aren't dwelt upon.
I assumed there would be just the one season
since it had a clever ending. One set of identical young women
decide to engage in Russian Roulette so that the confusion
involved in two of them being married to the same husband will
be eliminated. Finally on the last shot, one of them is killed
and it seemed to be the cheerful happy clone that is shot, but
later in a family gathering you see the happy cheerful one
charming her family and playing the piano; so it was the morose
original who was shot -- unless the morose one is faking it????
Then, in the tradition of Jason, the last episode
ends with not one but six recently risen clones heading toward
town through the fog. I read some reviews and fans of this
series hoping the ending means there will be a season two.
Do I want a season two? I'm of mixed minds. I did watch all eight episodes, and I "felt" as though the ending was adequate, but in thinking it over I can imagine writers doing something off-the-wall that would make a subsequent series interesting. Perhaps aliens could show up looking for their missing meteor. :-)
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