Friday, July 28, 2017

Pseudo-Damien at the Supermarket

    I saw there a woman made
    Old by her illness, shuffling slowly,
    Leaning on her cart smiling
    As she waited gently while I picked
    Out peaches.  “Have a nice
    Day” was what she said, and I went
    On but looked back seeing her

    Care-giver put food in her
    Cart.  I could care for her
    I thought, remembering the
    Way Susan smiled from the
    Comfort of being cared for.
    I walked on anxious to
    Get home and back in my

    Easy chair.  Once there I
    Considered, why not go to
    Some Island of disease and
    Care for whoever is there?
    And thought I might, if I didn’t
    Have to deal with doctrine and
    Could forgive their petty whining

    Despite my being there to help, and
    If they forgave my needing something
    They didn’t have, the smile that gave
    Off light that could lift my thoughts, and
    If they forgave my being there and in
    Their way, and if I could forgive
    My living their after they all had died.

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