I read all of Henry James novels – or nearly all – it was some
time ago; so I don’t want to be too positive. I can’t remember anything
specific about The Ambassadors other than that I liked it. I
recall that I liked the Portrait of a Lady a lot. I read
that more than once. I can’t recall having a standard like Maxwell
Geismar’s who criticized James to an absurd (IMO) degree for not having the
same standards he did – although Geismar would have argued, I’m sure, that his
standards ought to be the world’s.
Simon Harcourt Nowell Smith did a review of Geismar’s Henry
James and his Cult in the 2-6-64 issue of the TLS. He wasn’t kind to
Geismar nor, if you look at Geismar’s books in Amazon have most reviewers been
since. Smith in his review thought that Dreiser met Geismar’s standards
more closely than James did. Geismar may have been unhappy with James,
Smith writes, for not writing a Sister Carrie. Smith condemns
Geismar for being guilty of the “anachronistic fallacy” for calling Jim Pocock
in The Ambassadors a “pre-Babbitt” or “pre-Dodsworth.”
BTW, I did read most of Sinclair Lewis at one time along with
that class of novels considered to “muckrake.” I remember anguishing over
the first house I was able to buy because it was a tract house of the sort
condemned by Lewis in Babbit. I personally don’t think
that Sinclair Lewis or Theodore Dreiser are as good, or as readable, as Henry
Yes, James' world is a strange one, but then so was
Kafka’s. One of my early goals was to read “all” of certain novelists.
I had James on that list along with Hardy, Conrad, Dostoevsky, Mikhail
Sholokhov, Kafka, Tolstoy, Sinclair Lewis, Mark Twain, Thomas Wolfe,
Kazantzakas among others.
I mentioned somewhere being stunned upon first reading Sylvia
Plath’s Ariel. The only novelist that did something equivalent to
me, that I can recall at the moment, was Nikos Kazantzakas. It was the
first novel I read by him, a translation of The Greek Passion, but I
recall liking Freedom or Death nearly as well. I also read The
Last Temptation. I didn’t think his most famous novel (in English) Zorba
the Greek was as good as the others I read. I know he also wrote a
sequel to The Odyssey, which I once had, but I don’t think I managed to
read the whole poem – can’t remember why.
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