There are obviously those in Britain who believe the relations between Muslims and native Brits are hunky dory. In fact if a Muslim is born in Britain then they want uninformed Americans to call them “native Brits” as well. Sharia Law represents no problem for the British. It is subsumed within British law and absolutely no threat. I’d love to accept all that sweetness and light but I keep encountering disturbing articles like the following. This one from, dated 07 September 2011:
“Parents of Shalfilea Ahmed charged with her murder.”
“The parents of murdered teenager Shafilea Ahmed have been charged with killing her, Cheshire Police said on Wednesday.
“The 17-year-old's decomposed remains were discovered in Cumbria in February 2004 after she disappeared from her home in Warrington, Cheshire, in September 2003. She was the victim of a suspected honour killing.
“South Cumbria coroner Ian Smith later recorded a verdict of unlawful killing, saying he believed the teenager was probably murdered.
“Cheshire Police said today the teenager's father, Iftikhar, 51, and mother Farzana, 48, have been charged with murder and will appear at Halton Magistrates' Court, in Runcorn, later today.
“The couple have always denied any involvement in their daughter's death.
“Shafilea was a bright and intelligent young woman who wanted to go to university and become a lawyer, the inquest into her death was told.
“She was most likely strangled or suffocated, pathologists said.
“A spokeswoman for Cheshire Police said: "A man and a woman have been charged with murder in connection with the death of Shafilea Ahmed.”
Here is the same information from
It strikes me as foolishness to tolerate Sharia Law in any Western nation. Did those in Britain who approved this amalgam of Sharia and British law not foresee difficulties such as those described in the article? I assume that the intent was something along the lines of “we British will accept your Sharia Law for Muslims as long as it doesn’t conflict with British Law.” Something like that must be in effect if the murder charge against the parents of Shalfilea Ahmed is to stick.
In order for this amalgam to work, Muslims would have to believe that they were first British citizens and secondly religious Muslims insofar as the law was concerned, because if they reversed this order they would continue to engage in medieval customs like “honour killing.”
British leaders should have foreseen this, but shedding some light on what British Leaders know, I’ve read recent articles implying that Britain was extremely naïve about Communist spying during the Cold War. We in the U.S. cracked down much more effectively on such spying, but little good it did us because we shared all our secrets with the British, and they shared them with Soviet spies. The point here is that these British citizens who were also spies were believers in Communism first and British citizenship second much as the parents of Shafilea Ahmed were Sharia-Law Muslims first and British-Law British citizens second.
Something is rotten, i.e., not hunky dory, in the state of Britain.
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